Friday, January 27, 2012

Today is the 27th day of Janus' Moon

Today is, according to the gregorian calendar, the 27th day of the Month of January in 2012 AD

But what's all that mean? Aside from a bunch of names and numbers used to indicate a unique date/time distinguished from all other dates/times. But where do all these names come from?

[year] AD
AD is an acronym for Anno Domini, which is latin for "in the year of our lord", and 'our lord' of course refers to this guy

This designation A.D. can also be replaced with CE - standing for common era, this being an anglocentric (lit: english-centred) term but at least the atheists and other non-christians can make friends with it.

A year is the amount of time it takes the earth, the planet we all live on, to go round (or orbit) the sun. This takes 365.24219 days, which is approximately 365 and a quarter days. So the year in our calendar is 365 days long, but on leap years we add a day so the calendar matches the earth orbit of 365.25 days. The number 2012 means it has been two thousand and twelve years (i.e. earth orbits of the sun) since the so-called year of our lord. That's a lotta times round the sun.

January is the anglicized version of the roman month Ianuarius (Januarius), a word/term first brought to the english world by the Roman Empire. When Julius Caesar became caesar, he corrected the existing (corrupted) calendar into a twelve month system known as the Julian Calendar, very similar to the calendar we know today. So it's all bloody roman eh?

The month January/Januarius/Ianuarius (whatever same thing) - is named after the roman god Janus (Ianius) who is the god of gateways and doors, beginning and endings, and according to this site Janus guarded the gate of heaven. Janus is always shown with two faces - one looking forward, one looking back - and often depicted holding keys:

In ancient rome, the door to the temple of Janus' was open during times of war, and shut during times of peace. Having the first month of our year named after this two-faced (war) god, opening each year with an open door of Janus means each year, we metaphorically walk into a fabricated (cultural) war-zone.

There is also a link between Janus and Diana - note the following quote from wikipedia:
The name is either derived from the two-faced Roman god Janus, from the Latin word ianua, which means "door", or it is the masculine form of Diana, which would be Dianus or Ianus (Janus).

David Icke would have a field day with that one.

As well this is the month of Janus. The word "month" is related to the "moon". The moon orbits the earth, and it takes approximately 29 days for the moon to complete it's orbit, so every solar year there are '12 and a bit' "moons" - which has been broken up into an average of 12 moons, or months.

So the month of Janus is the Moon of Janus... having 31 days, the 27th day of this moon being the one on which publish this.

Holy Roman Calendar
Why do I mention these origins of words we use in our day to day lives, due to the international adoption of the gregorian calendar?

To point out that all these dates and days are named after gods & goddesses of the Roman Empire.
The roman empire never ended, it has changed faces and bases of operations many times in the last 2000 years.

The fall of the roman empire was a gradual collapse during 100 years the 5th century BC. They had held all the lands around the mediterranean sea, but by the 6th century the empire had fractured into a myriad of smaller nation-states.

This didn't matter too much to the leaders of the empire, for 200 years ago they had already laid the groundwork to continue controlling the masses, after the empire would fall. The best trick those leaders of that empire did was create a unified religion for their empire. It was very useful to control the flow and development of ideas, only allowing the 'masses', the poor, the workers, the 'rabble' to belive in one thing, one path, one way, one truth. (Meanwhile the leaders were allowed to believe whatever they want...)

Spiritual Monoculture
That was a bit vague, so let's cement it with some facts and dates. In 325 AD, the roman Emperor Constantine held a council of priests, bishops, etc - this is known as the council of Nicaea, (cos it happened at Nicaea). At this meeeting/council, all the leaders of various religions in the roman empire got together and decided how to have one BIG religion so that they didn't have to compete anymore. Thus the birth of Roman Catholicism, a mish-mash of the pagan Mysteries of various cults/religions pre-christian era.

About 200 years after this council the Roman Empire had broken up. But that didn't matter, cos nigh all of the nations in southern Europe had converted to Roman Catholicism - believing that the Church and the Pope were Holy representations of the "one true god" on earth. So the nations didn't bow to the empire, bu they did bow to the church. This mass mind-control scam continued until the 15th century (1400s), when finally one Martin Luther (a priest) decided to point out to his fellow priests the corruption their organisation (CHURCH) was involved in.

you see, the control centre had been shifted from imperial/governmental control to religious control - even better due the Mandate of Heaven (i.e. "we represent GOD, suckers") - a hell of a lot stronger than the divine right of kings.

Intellectual Land Grab
After the Lutheran revolt and the Anglican secession from the catholic church the so-called protestant reformation), only THEN was the intellectual sphere of ideas open/free enough for the scientific revolution to occur. Only after the "holy mother church" was rebelled against could people begin discussing, publicly, topics contrary to church doctrine.

So after 1000 or so years of spiritual control, the monolithic church was fractured into competing belief systems.
That didn't matter too much to the invisible fat controllers, as by then the university system had begun, a whole new brainwashing facility, soon to spread and evolve into the public school system. More on that another time.

Janus & Personal Gateways
so January is the "gateway to the year" - it is a time to open up new doors and gateways within yourself - as well a time to close doors or gateways within that are not doing anyone much good. The two-faced Janus looks back to the past and forwards to the future, we can do the same in January to reflect and improve. This is the origin of the concept of a new years resolution.

For this the Moon of Janus in 2012, looking back I am not happy with my path as per the last 4 years. I have continued to belittle and destroy myself for failing to succeed in Academia - don't yet have that (second) piece of shiny "i'm smarter than you" paper from a University. I have felt much shame for this.
closing the door on self-impposed guilt and shame
~ door swings shut ~

Opening new doors - instead of trying to convince a bunch of liars and/or idiots that einstein's ideas are not beyond being questioned, I have taken actual steps towards careers in entertainment. I have performed at my first stand-up comedian event ands felt very damn good about it. Looking forward, I see nothing but infinite potential, and all my dreams coming true.
opening the door on self-actualization...
that door is always openING forever

Ending on a beautiful quote from one of those little book of calm type of things:
what you love doing is a message from your self as to what it is you should be doing for a living