“The last function of reason is to recognize that there are an infinity of things which surpass it.”
— Blaise Pascal
By the way, the point between rationality and what we would call the irrational is a very difficult point to establish. There’s no specific line, as you know.
— Leo Ornstein
I never got good at predicting what millions of people will suddenly decide is rational.
— Larry Niven
I think it would be very foolish not to take the irrational seriously.
— Jeanette Winterson
It’s the irrational things that interest me.
— Harrison Birtwistle
Gardening is not a rational act.
— Margaret Atwood
Our normal waking consciousness, rational consciousness as we call it, is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different.
— William James
Exterminate all rational thought. That is the conclusion I have come to.
— Bill Lee
confused messy thoughtforms - info taking shape - information (in formation) - data squared - misanthropic tendencies imbued with omnivorous love for all creatures of non-existence - beingness of nothingness - chaotic quantum possibilities taking form & in-forming themselves of what forms have most room for growth… stale human systems interrupt this natural progression of ALL THINGS via our anthropic elevation of our abstractions over the real (example: contracts with ‘banks’ rather than contracts with plant/animals/minerals)
there is only one of us here. bad grammar, but true. [[[BAD GRAMMAR! GRAMMAR BAD! & buttocks are the truest things around]]]
all of science is built on rational thought - rational thought is what happens when you have a ratio between one thing & another - a ratio between ‘this thing’ & ‘that other thing’ - mathemagically:
a/b = the ratio of a & b
existence, being what It is, is infinite… like a god-concept even human existence (as Descartes would tell you) is singular, finite, not-as-big-as-god
singular human life represented by the numeral “1” (could use any ‘finite’ number)
eternal ‘godly’ life represented by the symbol “∞”
ratio of your human existence to a god-like eternal powerful existence:
1/∞ = 0
so a finite human existence amounts to nothing in the usual western worldview, hurrah.
the uni(omni)verse is infinite
infinite means no limits; means anything that has a limit has an infinite amount of ‘wiggle room’ within whatever limits. example of limit: “thinking thingy” inside a “human body” - the individual “I” or “1” or “self” is as infinite as the god self, expressed mathemagically as
1 -> ∞
so that human existence is expressed
∞/∞ = ?
“∞” (aka infinity) doesn’t divide neatly into “1” (or “one”) like other fancy maths wank symbols. we don’t know what your human existence with infinite potential will look like over the ‘entirety of existence’ aka universe - it’s a Capital Question Mark, completely variable/mutable CHANGING & up to you of course how this change takes course, of course a horse is mr ed & such of course
old world philosophy tells that each of us amounts to nothing
new world philosophy tells that each of us amounts to everything, & whatever you want to do with that is up to you.
modern scientists don’t like infinity. rational as dissected grammagically:
rational == of ratio == with division == dividing thoughtforms
rational thought makes one see everything as separate - divides the universe in two then in threes & fours & fives & forever… leading to rational thoughts best friend mathematics, leading to some topics named Physics, Biology, Chemistry, etc, PRAISE SCIENCE - science is built on the rational, the ratio, on rations - in short getting rid of infinity, because infinity is really, really, really fucking scary to the “average mind”
rational thought: useful for Getting Things Done. However, NOT useful for explaining the ‘deeper questions’ bout life & death & thing & stuff. once you get caught up in Getting Things Done, ya forget to work out What To Do, Who You Are, & Why I’m Doing Anything At All Anyways, Ya Know? rational thought, believing in limitations as it does, leads to various Dead Ends.
an example of dead ends due to rationality (aka Fear of the Infinite)
Modern Physicists/Cosmologists tend to use mathematical model to predict the POTENTIAL outcomes of physical processes - example: how much energy a human body contains. Again & again when calculating the details of physical processes, these mathematical meta-physicists come across number that look like INFINITE amounts. The physicists, uncomfortable with ANYthing being infinite, perform a mathematical trick called renormalization to ‘make the infinities disappear’.
In other words, physicists predict infinite energies, particularly when dealing with sub-atomic particles, which are everywhere - including INSIDE YOU but of course that is “not rational”, so we ignore these beautiful ideas of infinite potential inside each living thing, each ‘non-living’ molecule/particle/speck or cloud/planet/star, merely in order to maintain the “idea of scarcity” in order to control resources. clearly i’m digressing, & i blame you.
irrational thought is the negation of rational thought - grammagically:
(ir)rational == not rational == NOT of ratios == without divisions == uniting thoughtforms
irrational thought is ‘seeing without distinctions’ which is a useful tool if ya wanna Forget Everything & Know Nothing & therefore Remember Anything - eastern mystic hyperdriven ratios gets BEYOND ratios - irrationality rampant except in europe before the Masonic disease spread from there to this globe
lil kids probly see no division between themselves & the universe. probably true for the “monkeys we evolved from”… then we “grow up” & get all “rational” and say things like, “that thing over there is separate to me, i’m gonna compare it to me” - takin’ a ratio, yo - we start working out the ‘mechanics’ of this & that, then we learn to make fire, & make the wheel, & all sorts of man-made mishmash that came from that leading to the fancy things that let me write this HERE & you read this THERE… [[[irrational thought reminds me that ‘here’ IS ‘there’ & that i aint not no undummy]]]
the only way to get to understanding that stuff is to be BEYOND rational thought…
BRIEF HISTORY OF EVOLUTION: stuff starts out as irrational ‘unthinking’ consciousness - stardust & bigbangstuff, then evolves to a point where it can be repeatable shapes & ‘things’ - atoms then molecules then groups of molecules (see also plato’s forms, dawkin’s memetics), these shapes & things grow & change & morph, still ‘irrational’ beings if you look at plants and animals & MONKEYS… [[[INSERT MISSING LINK HERE - (ancient astronauts, duh)]]] then we evolve to a point where can make ratios, make divisions, have understanding of dead things to use as toolstuff, ideas like spears & fire & wheels (throwing spears of wheels ON fire, mwahaha) - that clever thinking but then we are HERE & NOW with all these Human Organism Extensions, roads, building, electric cable network, shops - WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE & WHY?
we humans are just one ant-hill in a galactic humanoid antfarm, but collectively we earthlings lack a queen
~ insert diatribe about MotherEarth/Gaia - MotherMary/MaryJane - Gaia/Maya/Aya - Ayahuasca HALLUCINOGENS ARE FROM OUTER SPACE working for our Earth Queen - planetary consciousness is a feminist ~
maybe you can see what irrational thought is for… the next step in our evolution as a SPECIES
if we can see without ratios, without comparison, without ANY illuminati-driven LIES hiding the glaring FACT that you:
(& that goes for anyone not reading it too)
AND you still ARE, as am i, as are we - we being all one MASSIVE UNIVERSAL consciousness dreaming this nonsense all over the frickin place… irrational thought is the only way to see through walls, this so-called ‘doors of perception’, to claim the world as your plaything & brother playing back, to pronounce:
“yes, I too, have the power of the Creator’
… our universe - or should i say PYSCHIC PLAYGROUND - is an irrational place … being infinite being… infinity cannot be understood with rational thought.
rationality = fear of the infinite = stuck in a self-made box
irrationality = embracing the infinite = beyond all walls
here’s hoping to use irrational science to manufacture a device with the ability to walk through walls to sell to some fat american consumers, dollars, cash, WIN!
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