Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Truth about God

God was invented in a vat in an Ancient Kingdom it what is now North Korea - this is the real reason the West is threatening them with war and declaring the region a "Rogue State". God escaped from the underground facility containing the Holy Vat in which He was Born (so he styled his birthplace) and started wreaking havoc and reaping worship across all continents of the Earth.

One of the first Acts of God was that he destroy the facility in which he was created. This started a serious of chain reactions of hyper-destructive power that shifted the continents and caused nuclear explosions across the face of the Earth. One such explosion situated in the Gobi Desert was responsible for creating the white man, dated at 30,000 years ago by serious researchers of the matter such as Bill Lee[1] and Brion Gysin. Thus the White Race were a complete accident, and not at all the descendants of the warmongering extra-terrestrial beings from whom they claim their heritage.

The next few Acts of God were the installations of the various religions that upheld Him, so that the Earthlings gave him many things. For a little while, the old gods allowed this ragamuffin God of earth to walk amongst the Earthlings[2], and God did travel from place to place convincing humans to worship Him and give him all their stuff, and Women, so he could rape them[2]. Eventually the other, older goddesses (and gods) saw Him for the self-centred wanker that He is, and trapped him in a locked Spaceship currently in orbit of Saturn, along with all the other spiritual criminals of the solar system.

The prehistoric upheaval caused by the willful destruction of God's cage, by Him, wiped out much of the then highly advanced cultures of the time period. The peoples who remained afterwards tried to remember the story of God and how He destroyed the Earth, but over time the memory turned to legend, and legend faded to myth[3].

And the Holy Vat in which He was born became lost in translation, and it became "a well"
And when the wells dried up because of God's wrath and destruction the wells became empty.
And Emptiness is Godliness[4], which is also Nothingness - there was nothing in the wells
And so it came to be said that God was born of Nothing

After God was thrown in prison for his Criminal Spirituality[5], people were worried, for they had come to depend on God and His power. The priests of Him had a council, deep underground near the traditionally accepted birthplace of God's - though back then they were way off on where the Holy Vat had been and had settled in Sumer instead of Korea. These priests of He decided that the best thing to do (for them) would be to continue on with the traditions business as usual. Conservatism was born, and the upholding of the Old Ways and Following Tradition became the new Law, and these priests claimed this Law came from God. The Priests of He did say that they spoke for Him, and asked for many things and most of the stuff, and they became rich and well-laid, for playing God.

So the human race was enslaved to a Law made up by priests that has very little to do with God directly. Money shortly followed, and a building project was soon implemented to stratify all the corners of the earth. Meanwhile God heard about these happenings in his orbit-prison of Saturn, and He was pleased.

  1. Exterminator, William S Burroughs, 1973
  2. New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, God, Revised 1984 edition
  3. The Eye of the World, Robert Jordan, 1990
  4. Zero, Smashing Pumpkins, 1996
  5. Biblios Infinitas Quantimotheos, Quantim McLoud, 2580AD

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Resignation of Pope Benedict, Heaven's Gate is (finally) Unlocked

The name of the city Babylon, one of the most ancient cities of so-called civilization, translates as the Gates of Heaven, from Akkadian bāb-ilû "gateway of god(s)", or:
 ... from Greek version of Akkadian Bab-ilani "the gate of the gods," from bab "gate" + ilani, plural of ilu "god" (cf. Babel). The Old Persian form, Babiru-, shows characteristic transformation of -l- to -r- in words assimilated from Semitic  (source)
SO babylon is/was "God's Gate" or "heaven's gate". This name Babylon in turn comes from a Sumerian Term "Kadingir", meaning the Gateway of the Gods.
 ...from Ancient Greek Βαβυλών, from Akkadian bāb ili ‘Gate of God’, translation of Sumerian Ka-dingir; the name of the ancient Chaldean capital and Biblical city of the Apocalypse... (source)
The sumerian culture, of Sumer/sumeria, was first settled between ca. 4500 and 4000 BC. It appears the concept of "(the) God's gate" is up to 6,500 years old. Let us now look at the evolution of this concept.

In modern folklore we are told that "St Peter" is guarding the gates to heaven, the pearly gates, or "heavens gate". In this way mr saint peter is similar to "king yama" of eastern tradition popularized in modern pop culture as King Yemma of Dragonball Z.

A google search revealed that this was also a job for the ancient Egyptian god Osiris, of the famous Isis-Osiris-Set myth that David Icke and many others go on about.

Another similar god is "Dis Pater", who was a Roman god of the underworld, later subsumed by Pluto and/or Hades. According to the prolific (ancient) roman author Cicero:
Cicero ... derives the name of Dis Pater from dives, suggesting a meaning of "father of riches", directly corresponding to the name Pluto (from Greek Πλούτων, Ploutōn, meaning "wealthy"). 
We should note here, however, that  "Many of Cicero's etymological derivations are not to be taken seriously, and may indeed have been intended ironically." (source)

Even with that in mind, Cicero is telling us that the father of all riches is the judge of the afterlife... let us see if and/or how that applies to so-called "saint" peter, the traditional father of the christian church.

Peter, from the greek name "Petros", means STONE.
Saint Petros is therefore, "saint stone", or dare I venture, "saint masonry" - i.e. the holy one of man-made stone.

St peter's chair is the symbolic chair, or throne, that the pope resides/sits in. This is because Simon Peter is seen by many as the first pope, the papacy descends directly from Simon Peter, who was given the primacy by jesus himself. This idea comes from a verse from the biblical book of Matthew:
Matthew 16:17-20: I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven".
 In modern folklore, supposedly Saint Peter is the one who waits "at the gates of heaven" and judges whether or not a person's recently departed soul goes through to heaven - or is sent 'down' to hell. Gates often have keys. Prior to catholicism, the earlier gatekeeper gods of the afterlife were often depicted with keys, such as Amun, featured in my earlier post about the Amarna Heresy:
The Ankh is Key
Or of course our old friend Janus, the roman two-faced "holy father" god:

A statue of st peter within the vatican city depicts him as holding keys...

Furthermore, St Peter's Basilica, the home of the Chair/throne of St Peter (holy masonman), IS SHAPED LIKE A KEY: 

From an article about metaphors in the Basilica layout

Can you see through the metaphor(s) here?

Saint Peter, the Holy Stone/Masonry "guards" the gate to heaven
The Pope, the "holy father", sits in THE chair of the holy stone - st peter's supposed successor.
The stone monument to St Peter is shaped like a key.
So the Pope holds the keys to the gates to heaven.

"No man can come to the father except through me"...

This is how all evil (for lack of a better word), satanic (for lack of a better word) religions (for lack of...) of the world work.

The only way to heaven is through our gate
Our man here has the keys, see?
And he left me a chair to sit in.
Bow to me and my chair and I'll let you in to heaven with my special key.

Oldest trick in the book. Literally.

Sumer/Babylon invented (discovered?) the heavens gate concept, which was successfully used to enslave/control people, treating them as sheep/livestock. This Heaven's Gate (aka the Gate of God) was later used in babylon to continue to enslave the masses. Later, Priests of Ancient Egypt invented the idea of a human "holy father" - who was the divine representative of the heavenly father, or invisible sky god, who judges everyone. Then, seeing how much more awesome the ancient egyptians were, these babylonian/sumerian scum moved their "heavens gate" to Egypt instead. At which point they installed the Osiris and Amun myths to install their own death gods. After Egypt went sour, (i.e. was crushed by the Macedonian conqueror Alexander "the great") a new seat was needed for the gatekeeper of heaven. Slowly this Holy Gate moved to Ancient Rome, and eventually the keys to heaven were handed to "st peter" as the exclusive gatekeeper of the afterlife.

Who gave an old man the keys to the gates of heaven?

The true gate to heaven is inside you, inside each and everyone one of us.

The notion of a physical human who represents the heavenly father (lit:sky god), who holds the keys to the heavenly gate, is a LIE invented to enslave people's minds, leading them to believe that they need this old man to speak to the heavenly father on their behalf.

It is the most successful lie/truth/idea ever created, an idea used for at least 5000 years to keep people under the thumb of the oligarchy whom tell the world that they represent god.

Heaven, is the sky.
Earth, is one world within the sky - one realm within heaven.
The ancient "division" between heaven and earth in all western creation myths is a similar lie, invented to keep people believing that those born on earth are somehow unworthy - unless of course they appeal to the old men who hold the keys to the gates to heaven. See also the lie of Original Sin.

This has led me to believe that yes, there IS an ancient secret society(s) controlling things 'behind the scenes'. A secret society which corrupts true spiritual movements, such as the one led by the nazarene circa 2000 years ago, and turn them into yet another heaven's gate plus holy father scenario. The Heaven's Gate cult has simply moved headquarters for thousands of years.

The modern concept of the Stargate in fiction - or, if David Wilcock, Dan Burisch and others are to be believed, in reality also - is there to lead us sheeple to understand that the gate to heaven is now moving to the US of A. (Though if there really is an ancient stargate technology, it blows the lid off this ancient bucket of temple-building shit. Clearly someone lost access to the real heaven's gate and started building pyramids/temples to represent it instead, forever building towers of babel).

Earth, our planet, is one world within heaven.
All beings on earth are no less nor no more divine than those dwelling on any other heavenly body (aka stars/planets).
The gate to heaven is a metaphor for discovering your own divinity, holiness, godliness.
All/any can attain this understanding - that we are all divine, spiritual, holy beings.
Opening the gates to heaven is tantamount to recognizing that god (or in christian parlance, the Holy Spirit) is inside you

Those who seek to profit from your misery will tell you that you lowly earthlings are not divine/holy enough.
They will tell you that we on earth are unholy - only heaven and god are holy.
They'll tell you that a holy father (lit: the pope) represents (holy) heaven here on (unholy) earth, so HE is holy, not the rest of us scum however.
They will tell you that there is only one gate to heaven - and they have access to it.
They'll tell ya that the holy father has the keys to get through it.
And they'll demand that you pay for the privilege.

Please don't think I am disrespecting Jesus or Muhammed or other prophets/messengers, who tell us, "peace and love to you all, you are all divine/holy/sacred".
I am merely saying that the religions built after their death or ascension are inevitably infiltrated and corrupted by those who would install their own (downright WRONG) message over the top of these true prophets.

Peace and Love and Light to you forever. You are Infinite. Anyone who tells you "there is only one way to heaven", or to eternal salvation, is a liar, or possibly a fool...
Hi, my names Quantim, and I have in fact found the true Gateway to the Heavens. I have the keys to it, and the gate is currently locked. I am the only one with access to it, but I'll let you go through it...
For a fee, of course

The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI is a symbolic victory for all of humankind. It is known that this man who sat in st peter's chair/throne, covered up pedophilia activity as a routine part of his job, prior to becoming pope, before being handed the metaphorical keys to the gates of heaven. We all suspect, deep down we know, that he too is a child-molesting scumbag who never deserved any respect -and is anything BUT "holy", and not worthy of being called a "father" either.
Is this sick pedophile holier than you? Does he to talk to the heavenly father for us?

With no-one sitting in st peter's chair, no-one is holding the keys to the gates of heaven,
Can you feel the divine, the spiritual, the heavenly, within you, around you?

St Peter's chair should remain empty, forever. We should, as a collective Humanity Being, reject these liars who tell us to run through their hoops, their gates, to become divine, holy

We are within God, not separate from him/her/it... and we never were.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Animals, Music = SPIRIT

In the 18 or so hours that I have been awake today, I have seen
  • Ants (as usual)
  • Spiders (also as usual)
  • Cockroaches (boring)
  • My cat Moose
I went for a (long) walk in Morialta Conservation Park this afternoon, and I filmed bits and pieces of what I did. On this journey I saw:
  • A few Skinks
  • Bees - eating gumtree sap and pollinating these native Grug things
  • Some filthy humans
  • a MURDER of Crows
  • Just when I was leaving, I saw a Wallaby! (or very small kangaroo of some sort)
Most of those creatures were filmed - except the filthy humans, of course. Leaving the park at dusk, wandering home through smelly suburban streets, I met a grey neigbourhood cat (that I've never seen before), who was kind enough to let me pet/pat him. He was a good boy, yes he was, good TomCat.

After a midnight journey into my city's CBD for some successful street performance, On my way home I saw
  • a new neighbourhood cat.
  • Another neighbourhood cat - it was calico and it wanted to talk but not get too close
  • a third ca- WAIT! it's a Koala

A koala. This is not the actual koala who spoke to me, mrerely an artists depiction.

Sitting on the side of the road at 4am singing songs to a Koala is fun, but to any onlookers it must have been strange and amusing to see. This koala was on the kerb, waiting to climb a tree, it paused when it saw me. We had a chat, of sorts, as it climbed the tree, pausing to look at me.

But here's why I mentioned these menial happenings:

All is spirit, All living things are Spirits, no less or greater than any other Spirits. Humans are just the most arrogant Earth-spirits (with the possible exception of felines) but other than that we humans are not fucking "special" compared to the other spirits (i.e. plants/animals, clouds/rivers, mountains/caves).

Walking around in nature with this knowledge - the knowledge that all stuff around is by and of the same spirit-stuff as my own being/happening - the result is that other 'animal' spirits see me as a one of "them"- the who-man becomes a spirit animal.

The wallaby from the afternoon was merely curious of me. I was bloody tired by that point and just wanted to go home, but i filmed it somewhat. The bees were not particularly agitated by my presence, though they have been in the past. The koala that i met, on the other hand, was listening to my music, repeatedly making eye contact, and not at all afraid, or aggressive for that matter.

All is spirit
Spirit knowledge is wordless, transcending mind-brain wordery thinkins. Spirit languages are also wordless.
Music is one such language of the spirit.
Animals and plants can learn to appreciate music, if the musician is grooving in Spirit mode. This can/will accelerate their (spiritual) evolution.

A chance encounter and I had a spiritual conversation with a Koala, it wanted more, but again I was homebound and homesick, cut our divine interaction short - or just right.

the Omniverse is  a spiritual place
This universe is all material so it's hard to remember that it is built (on top) of the spiritual substrate (omniverse).

Do not confuse your Mind with your Spirit, (a la Rene Descartes)
For instance, my Spirit agrees with my body, that I should be sleeping right now, but my Mind wished to tell these info-stories, but i confused the two urgers, so here is this yang-splash-wank cumstain that you're reading. It's ok, the Spirit allows everything, it's the Mind that say Yes/No and creates distinction.

All those buddhist types could short-cut enlightenment descriptions by recognizing that their fancy explanations of "ego-less mind" is actually SPIRIT not mind at all

Spirit + Body + Mind, forever evolving

but spirit came first and always comes first (pun intended)