Monday, November 28, 2011

Birth - lies about origins

Every story apparently has a beginning and an end. This universe, many say, is no exception. The old stories of the creation of the world have a lot in common with our current stories:

Ancient Greek Myth: Uranus and Gaia banged each other and gave birth to Kronos
(translation: uranus (sky/heaven) and gaia (earth) rotated and gave birth to time. In modern science, the spinning of the earth in the sky makes day and night happen.)

and here's a popular myth that lasted a long time:

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Full of logical fallacies of course. But note the same pattern - first distinction is between heaven and earth. As though earth, this planet, were more special than all the other MILLIONS of planets out there in the heavens that might have other living breathing thinking beings on them.

Let's jump to the new creation myth:
In the beginning, there was a formless void of NOTHING, then the big bang happened, an instant during which all the 'forces' of the universe came into being

please be aware of the similarity between this currently accepted creation myth and the judeo-christian myth. Let's compare:

Christian creation myth
BEFORE existence, there was NOTHING
then THE LORD created reality.

translation: before existence there was nothing, then the lord, which we the priesthood represent, created all of you and all of this stuff around you, and you better listen to us and our rules cos otherwise that the lord will uncreate you, making you nothing again - we the priesthood will be the ones uncreating you of course, most likely by burning you at the stake, or, the lord willing, crucify you. Cos you are nothing, especially without us and the lord - for we are holy and you are shit.

Modern Physics creation myth
BEFORE existence, there was NOTHING
then THE LAWS of physics created our reality

translation: before this existence there was nothing, then the LAWS of physics, which we the physicists represent, created all of you and all this stuff around you, and you better listen to us and our laws cos we are so much smarter than you, and you are nothing. We got the math-lord on our side and we the priesthood physicists understand that smart shit but you couldn't possibly, dummies.
[[This from the same community who continually deny the prospects of "free energy", despite all experimental evidence to the contrary. Oh, and the same community which will not allow scientific inquiry if that inquiry is outside the bounds of "normal science" - particularly don't disagree with einstein, that dead guy is way smarter than you... DUH]]

to summarize first there was non-existence, then there was existence...
ex nihilo omnis fit
first there was nothing and now there is something

BUT wait... why this ASSUMPTION that there ever was "nothing" in the first place?
Because it is only an assumption. NOT a fact. In other words, a belief.

furthermore both church and science approaches of defining reality create an entire class of people with a lot of money and buildings whose job it is to tell the earthlings "how it all works" ... physicists = the priesthood of today.

I got a better creation myth, still ironing out the wrinkles though...

In the beginning there was THE infinite One which contained/contains ALL existence and non-existence. The INFINITE one is all there ever is, was, will be, all other things are merely finite expressions of the infinite one. In the 'beginning' The Infinite One spat out a finite blob of itself which slowly became our universe - via big bangs or 'let there be light' or some other nonsense - but our finite universe never really left The Infinite One - we are still inside it. This universe will continue unfolding... FOREVER. Today is judgement day, and YOU are the fucking judge, not some destitute old man sitting on a throne ready to rape your children. 
(you stupid bastards)

or putting it in a more accurate way, also making reference to recent popular culture

all limits that have ever been imposed upon any of you were put in place by folks who already know that they are infinite/eternal/limitless, and these folks restrict and limit our collective growth and development using the old LAWED routine

obey the lord

obey the law

[[cue the guy coming in with the microphone, pointing the hidden camera out the rube, Hawaiian girls put those floral things round his neck, the rube awakens: "oh i thought that all these laws were real, now i realise it's just a sick joke the ethereal beings play on we the fleshy/material beings. Why did i ever worry about all those laws? HA!"]]

BUT those imprinted limits are only there so that we can learn a way around/over/THROUGH those limits. But we foolish sheeple run around the limiting hoops created by the fat rich fucks who spin this money pyramid bullshit.

Betcha didn't know that when people used to confess their sins to a priest, the priest would then tell the confessing serf how much money he would have to pay the church to absolve him of his sin? Not hail mary's, actual gold cash moneys.
kinda like how when you get a pointless parking fine and the state tells ya how much you owe them, then you pay the fine and absolve yourself from debt.
Sin = Debt

Oh and to arrogant people with scientific minds who sit around and scoff at christian metaphysics, patting yourselves on the back with how much more enlightned you are than those foolish christians:

what you have been taught to believe about modern science is part of the same fucking control system (you ignorant little fucks) that was used to keep europe under the proverbial thumb for 1500 years. Stop blaming the christian kiddies for believing a bunch of brainwashing lies, while you believe a bunch of brainwashing lies fed to you by mainstream science (lit: the metaphysics of einstein/newton/aristoteles - all morons). And mainstream science is an extension of the exact same control system which you scoff at. What you believe as "true" cos some fancy scientist said it was true is just an idea - supported by a framework of charlatans and sycophants. This method of "the experts" telling ya'll how it all works is now being used to keep you under the thumb now, you little smartarse pricks got any of your own ideas or is hero-worshipping ugly old men all ya got?

there was 1500 years of obeying the Lord
about 500 years of obeying the Law

Slowly the (mind)control mechanisms moved from the churches to the universities and courtrooms.

About 1200 years (since the council of nicea in 325) of letting the Roman Catholic Priesthood tell ya'll how the world works.
About 450 years (since Descartes mind/body mathematics mix-up in 1641) of letting the scientists tell ya'll how it all works - ascertaining god's laws with their maths.

Same metaphysics of scarcity, different big words to confuse and delude.

Same shit, different stink.

Hi there, My name is Quant!M, I'm an ethereal being from another realm - possibly even another planet in this universe.

Today is my birthday

I was born NOW and will continue to rebirth myself every moment forever and ever amen.

I created this universe and i'll do it again... right now... but i need a little help from everyone else who exists...

we created this universe and we'll do it again, right now...

everyday is our birthday

This is a consensus reality. We get what we expect. Overlapping Solipsist Bubbles - (but that's another rant).

Any who try to enslave and limit the beautiful people of this earth will get the fuck off of MY planet NOW.

All limits are only there so that living things can learn to overcome those limits.

Someone remind my why we earthlings don't have teleportation devices yet?