Wednesday, August 24, 2011

bio-mechanical auto-cannibaistic ego-monster

Did i ever tell you about the guy they found drunk as fcuk and on ishtloads of hallucinogens (bucketloads!) who had been brought into the emergency room against his will due to Some Drunk Bitch who demanded he go to hospital (despite his gargled rambling guffaws to the contrary) and upon scoping out this unfortunate chemical-addled fellow it was found that he had successfully grafted plant matter into his bipedal humanoid body - a feat performed neither before nor since - in such a way that the plant matter had ingrown a healthy root system lunging into his liver to suck down the chaotic arrangements of various organic chemicals broken down by his brain-body system?

Turns out he was some kind of unsung genius and a myriad of unconventional bio-technological advancements had been made in his very own home which were quite something to behold i can assure you. Meat cleavers that grow on trees, animals that act as solar batteries for humankind while receiving rewards in the form of Job Security as well as the Nuclear Family guaranteed to dispel any semblance of Nature from them and finally paving a way for a truly integrated Machine World.

This character however blew that idea out into the ocean where it evolved from a thoughtform into a yang male spermazoa and combined with the watery feminine chi of Mother Earth's oceanic fuzz & while spinning their glorious juices together a golden vortex was formed creating an air pocket vaccuum that sucked all that machine technology into a violent implosion, shaking the earth from it's axis and moving the continents into a whole new pattern.

and that's what REALLY happened to atlantis! so much for machine consciousness. it's rebirth in this timeline has the internet as it's body & we are separate. i remember when we get all borg ghost in the shell tv series with the technology & the flesh beings that created it becoming one - aint you ever seen matrix revolutions?

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