Sunday, December 02, 2012

Words from an old Daemon

The history of this world is much as you've heard it - life began in heaven and by "god's hand" has spread here, where you are being tested until "the living god returns" to take the righteous to heaven.

Life began in heaven means out there" at this point he pointed to the sky, "on a far of star system where the first life in this universe, where the first life evolved into the first humans. By God's hand means the microscopic biological material frozen but living in the void between stars - which is spread from any life bearing planet into the surrounding space, frozen in time until it reaches another fruitful planet. You are being tested, here (or anywhere) to develop into the type of creature capable of higher creation. Beyond which point a human species comes to develop an awareness of its own creative power, understanding that all existence is composed of this creative power, at which point the species' capacity for creative power amplifies as a function of it's own awareness, the two bouncing off of and strengthening each other until a Moment of Convergence in which, usually, the local human strain is "taken to heaven" - leave their homeworld and generally evolve into something beyond human. Though more often, the human strain is fed to their orbit star.

In other words, until such time as you beings come to realise that you are yourselves but aspects of the infinite one who are in fact "living gods" yourselves. There is a little more to it than that of course. Certain thresholds of population must be reached, and then maintained until certain star nodes overlap, but the self-realisation of the creator within is the most important requirement for a human strain.

~ The Obsidian

(the Obsidian is a character created by Quant!M as part of a sci-fi/fantasy story he is writing)

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