Friday, December 30, 2011

Fun (Family) Facts about World War 1 - Rich VS Poor

The so-called Great War, later known as World War 1, was fought between 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918 and claimed the lives of over 20 million people. European leaders (the RICH) and their colonial vassals used this war as an excuse to carve up the world map, making new empires and countries, all by sending each of their armies' troops (the POOR) to die for their country.

The Background
The Congress at Vienna was held in, you guessed it, Vienna, Austria in 1814, one hundred years before the beginning of WW1. At the Congress of Vienna, several of the major powers in Europe - Austria, Prussia (modern germany), Russia, Great Britain and France - got together to discuss how to settle 'their' territories. For years prior to the Congress of Vienna, much of Europe had been in a state of perpetual war for various reasons.From Wikipedia (bold text mine):

The Congress of Vienna (German: Wiener Kongress) was a conference of ambassadors of European states chaired by Metternich, and held in Vienna from September, 1814 to June, 1815. The objective of the Congress was to settle the many issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars, the Napoleonic Wars, and the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire. This objective resulted in the redrawing of the continent's political map, establishing the boundaries of France, the Duchy of Warsaw, the Netherlands, the states of the Rhine, the German province of Saxony, and various Italian territories, and the creation of spheres of influence through which Austria, Britain, France and Russia brokered local and regional problems. The Congress of Vienna was the first of a series of international meetings that came to be known as the Concert of Europe, which was an attempt to forge a peaceful balance of power in Europe, and served as a model for later organizations such as the League of Nations and United Nations.

So the congress of vienna: a bunch of world leaders (and/or their delegates, right-hand man kinda people) got together to discuss where the borders on the map will be. The peoples of the various tribes and nations in Europe had no say in where these borders would be - no say in what country they might live in after the borders had been moved by these rich schmucks.

Historically the Congress at Vienna is looked upon with rose-coloured glasses as a wonderful peaceful pre-cursor to the United Nations (and the earlier League of Nations). But let's be serious. It was a bunch of untouchable, elite rulers discussing where to shove the poor so as to best control "the rabble". What's more this so-called peaceful discord occured after a prolonged slaughter of the general population (i.e. many years of war), so it wasn't that peaceful really.

Let's skip ahead 100 years to 1914...

Thanks the congress of vienna, and similar (non-public) meetings of a similar nature, the big powers in europe had obtained a 'balance of power' - meaning the leaders of those big powers chose not to invade each others territory, and there were a variety of alliances between empires and countries. Meanwhile, smaller 'nations' or groups of people often had had their nation(s) co-opted into one or another country/state/nation.

The Trigger
One such smaller country "under the thumb" in Europe was Bosnia-Herzegovina, at the time of the break out of WW1, Bosnia-Herzegovina was part of the Austrian-Hungarian empire. The Austrian empire shared a border with Serbia - Austria had annexed/stolen Bosnia-Herzegovina from Serbia not long before WW1. In 1911, a secret society known as the black hand was formed by some Slavs, Bosnians, and Serbs. This society was dedicated to the formation of a greater Serbia, for all serbs - whether bosnian, serbs, slavs or otherwise.

The trigger for WW1 was when a member of the black-hand shot in Sarajevo the heir to the Austrio-Hungarian throne, one Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand (for whom the band Franz Ferdinand is named). Austria blamed the Serbian Government for this, rather than isolating the individual killer. Austria soon declared war on Serbia. This caused the big Austrian empire to call on their allies to shut down those upstart serbs. Letters and telegrams were quickly sent between european world leaders asking for aid/alliances.

This one assasination turned into an excuse for the big powers in Europe to go for a land grab. Britain and France declared war on Germany, Russia joined in, the Ottoman Empire (modern Turkey) wanted more territory too. The colonial countries "discovered" by their European parent countries as well were expected to join the war as well. Young men from across the entire globe were taken from their homes to "the g(l)ory of battle" to fight the rich man's fight for territory. The colonial countries in africa, asia & oceania were fought over by the vassals of their european parents. And at the end of the War, the US of A came in with their big (better) weaponry came in and 'saved the day'.

What we weren't told In the english speaking world, we tend to remember Germany as the enemy of WW1 - partially due to the influence by the obviously evil Nazi Regime of WW2 fame. But here's a fun fact:

The Kaiser Wilhelm II, the German Emperor at the beginning of WW1, and King George V, the British Emperor during WW1 (and afterwards), were first cousins.
First cousins declaring war on each other?
First cousins sending the people of the nations they represent to kill one another, that's what it was.

The father of King George V was King Edward VII of England. Edward's sister, Princess Victoria, married the German Emperor Frederick III - Victoria and Frederick were Wilhelm's father. The mother of Edward and Princess Victoria was the famous Queen Victoria, and the father of those two was Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (victoria's husband) who was also german. The royal family of England are essentially all of German Descent.

But just cos they're all cousins doesn't mean they talk to each other, doesn't mean they're friends.
aha but it does! From wikipedia:

Nothing Wilhelm II did in the international arena was of more influence than his decision to pursue a policy of massive naval construction. A powerful navy was Wilhelm's pet project. He had inherited, from his mother, a love of the British Royal Navy, which was at that time the world's largest. He once confided to his uncle, Edward VII, that his dream was to have a "fleet of my own some day". Wilhelm's frustration over his fleet's poor showing at the Fleet Review at his grandmother Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee celebrations, combined with his inability to exert German influence in South Africa following the dispatch of the Kruger telegram, led to Wilhelm taking definitive steps toward the construction of a fleet to rival that of his British cousins.

So there you go, not 17 years before WW1, when Wilhelm was already emperor, he was hanging out with his uncle, his cousin(s) and his grandma Queen Victoria.

Now, during WW1 the anti-german sentiment in the English speaking nations was strong. (See here for a brief history of anti-german sentiment, starting LONG before Hitler came to power. Germany really got a 'bum wrap' from other nations during the 19th and early 20th century.) During WW1, the english press demonized Kaiser Wilhelm and the german people in general - what's more, King George V of England changed his name from Saxe-Burg-Gotha (also Wettin, german, pronounced vettin) to the nice-english sounding Windsor to seem less german.

But why the anti-german sentiment, considering how interlinked the history of Germany and England really are? When Henry the VIII separated the Anglican church from the Roman church, Germany was meanwhile beginning the Lutheran church - so that both nations were allied together against the catholic countries. Interbreeding of their respective royal families has been going on for a long time, (Queen Victoria's mother was a german princess). Oh and by the way, old english is a GERMANIC language. yeah.

If you want my opinion (and if you've read this far, you obviously do) the anti-german propaganda was a deliberate plan to get the general population to be full of HATE and FEAR on a day-to-day basis. Our war-culture relies on a perpetual enemy. For ages it was the Germans, then the Russians, then "Red China", and now, "the arabs" who if Australian TV is to be believed, are ALL TERRORISTS. It's nonsense. My enemies are those on this planet who would create wars (aka wholesale slaughter of the poor) so that almost every nation is in a perpetual cycle of war/recovery/peace forever. It's ridiculous and manufactured by the ruling elites, keeping us scared to go anywhere else. It is SOOOOO last millenium behaviour.

In Summary
So - WW1 - for the purpose of expansion/consolidation of territories - as mapped out by the rich and powerful - 20 million or so people were sent to their deaths for 4 years. There weren't no big bad Nazis to fight, no true moral cause to fight for. It was not ethnic cleansing, it was class cleansing. World leaders - the untouchable class, who, if you haven't yet noticed, never are themselves on the front line getting their asses shot - sent millions of their own people to fight a pointless territorial war.

But has this stopped? Are rich cousins, brothers and sisters - or perhaps school chums and college buddies - making up reasons for 'the little man' to kill each other?

Yes, yes they are. Except as many of us are aware, it aint so much royal families now as it is the rich oil tycoons - the Bush Family and the Bin Laden family are friends dontcha know.

Who profits from war? Weapon manufacturers. Think about it.

So in summary this is how the rich really think of us (comedy sketch)

More on inbred royals soon!
Also I'll be releasing a video in early January, hopefully the first of many. Remember to think for yourself instead of believing what the mainstream media propaganda machine tellls you.

Friday, December 16, 2011

LYRICS: Webcrawler

written by Quant!M

i am a spider and i spin
a web made out of everything
fire water earth and wind
and etheric lightning
web I'll catch some flies
made of 1s and 0s and bits and bytes
and somehow with my web i'll find
a way to transcend space and time

i'm a webcrawler

i am a spider and i crawl
all through these virtual halls
i have master i am a pet
who released me on the internet
and as his loyal subject
i show him all the cyber insects
that my spinning interweb collects
slowly all the nodes and lines connect

and through the web more truth and stories
are transferred from place to place... and from time to time
while many lives are touched by things they wouldn't have seen before...
thanks to the first wholly free technology of expression

we're all webcrawlers

i am spider who was made
to bring you joy today
one of my many tasks
my creator gave me many masks
make better world today
it's a web we all create
keep spinning your own web to make
a better web to crawl through

i'm a webcrawler

Monday, November 28, 2011

Birth - lies about origins

Every story apparently has a beginning and an end. This universe, many say, is no exception. The old stories of the creation of the world have a lot in common with our current stories:

Ancient Greek Myth: Uranus and Gaia banged each other and gave birth to Kronos
(translation: uranus (sky/heaven) and gaia (earth) rotated and gave birth to time. In modern science, the spinning of the earth in the sky makes day and night happen.)

and here's a popular myth that lasted a long time:

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Full of logical fallacies of course. But note the same pattern - first distinction is between heaven and earth. As though earth, this planet, were more special than all the other MILLIONS of planets out there in the heavens that might have other living breathing thinking beings on them.

Let's jump to the new creation myth:
In the beginning, there was a formless void of NOTHING, then the big bang happened, an instant during which all the 'forces' of the universe came into being

please be aware of the similarity between this currently accepted creation myth and the judeo-christian myth. Let's compare:

Christian creation myth
BEFORE existence, there was NOTHING
then THE LORD created reality.

translation: before existence there was nothing, then the lord, which we the priesthood represent, created all of you and all of this stuff around you, and you better listen to us and our rules cos otherwise that the lord will uncreate you, making you nothing again - we the priesthood will be the ones uncreating you of course, most likely by burning you at the stake, or, the lord willing, crucify you. Cos you are nothing, especially without us and the lord - for we are holy and you are shit.

Modern Physics creation myth
BEFORE existence, there was NOTHING
then THE LAWS of physics created our reality

translation: before this existence there was nothing, then the LAWS of physics, which we the physicists represent, created all of you and all this stuff around you, and you better listen to us and our laws cos we are so much smarter than you, and you are nothing. We got the math-lord on our side and we the priesthood physicists understand that smart shit but you couldn't possibly, dummies.
[[This from the same community who continually deny the prospects of "free energy", despite all experimental evidence to the contrary. Oh, and the same community which will not allow scientific inquiry if that inquiry is outside the bounds of "normal science" - particularly don't disagree with einstein, that dead guy is way smarter than you... DUH]]

to summarize first there was non-existence, then there was existence...
ex nihilo omnis fit
first there was nothing and now there is something

BUT wait... why this ASSUMPTION that there ever was "nothing" in the first place?
Because it is only an assumption. NOT a fact. In other words, a belief.

furthermore both church and science approaches of defining reality create an entire class of people with a lot of money and buildings whose job it is to tell the earthlings "how it all works" ... physicists = the priesthood of today.

I got a better creation myth, still ironing out the wrinkles though...

In the beginning there was THE infinite One which contained/contains ALL existence and non-existence. The INFINITE one is all there ever is, was, will be, all other things are merely finite expressions of the infinite one. In the 'beginning' The Infinite One spat out a finite blob of itself which slowly became our universe - via big bangs or 'let there be light' or some other nonsense - but our finite universe never really left The Infinite One - we are still inside it. This universe will continue unfolding... FOREVER. Today is judgement day, and YOU are the fucking judge, not some destitute old man sitting on a throne ready to rape your children. 
(you stupid bastards)

or putting it in a more accurate way, also making reference to recent popular culture

all limits that have ever been imposed upon any of you were put in place by folks who already know that they are infinite/eternal/limitless, and these folks restrict and limit our collective growth and development using the old LAWED routine

obey the lord

obey the law

[[cue the guy coming in with the microphone, pointing the hidden camera out the rube, Hawaiian girls put those floral things round his neck, the rube awakens: "oh i thought that all these laws were real, now i realise it's just a sick joke the ethereal beings play on we the fleshy/material beings. Why did i ever worry about all those laws? HA!"]]

BUT those imprinted limits are only there so that we can learn a way around/over/THROUGH those limits. But we foolish sheeple run around the limiting hoops created by the fat rich fucks who spin this money pyramid bullshit.

Betcha didn't know that when people used to confess their sins to a priest, the priest would then tell the confessing serf how much money he would have to pay the church to absolve him of his sin? Not hail mary's, actual gold cash moneys.
kinda like how when you get a pointless parking fine and the state tells ya how much you owe them, then you pay the fine and absolve yourself from debt.
Sin = Debt

Oh and to arrogant people with scientific minds who sit around and scoff at christian metaphysics, patting yourselves on the back with how much more enlightned you are than those foolish christians:

what you have been taught to believe about modern science is part of the same fucking control system (you ignorant little fucks) that was used to keep europe under the proverbial thumb for 1500 years. Stop blaming the christian kiddies for believing a bunch of brainwashing lies, while you believe a bunch of brainwashing lies fed to you by mainstream science (lit: the metaphysics of einstein/newton/aristoteles - all morons). And mainstream science is an extension of the exact same control system which you scoff at. What you believe as "true" cos some fancy scientist said it was true is just an idea - supported by a framework of charlatans and sycophants. This method of "the experts" telling ya'll how it all works is now being used to keep you under the thumb now, you little smartarse pricks got any of your own ideas or is hero-worshipping ugly old men all ya got?

there was 1500 years of obeying the Lord
about 500 years of obeying the Law

Slowly the (mind)control mechanisms moved from the churches to the universities and courtrooms.

About 1200 years (since the council of nicea in 325) of letting the Roman Catholic Priesthood tell ya'll how the world works.
About 450 years (since Descartes mind/body mathematics mix-up in 1641) of letting the scientists tell ya'll how it all works - ascertaining god's laws with their maths.

Same metaphysics of scarcity, different big words to confuse and delude.

Same shit, different stink.

Hi there, My name is Quant!M, I'm an ethereal being from another realm - possibly even another planet in this universe.

Today is my birthday

I was born NOW and will continue to rebirth myself every moment forever and ever amen.

I created this universe and i'll do it again... right now... but i need a little help from everyone else who exists...

we created this universe and we'll do it again, right now...

everyday is our birthday

This is a consensus reality. We get what we expect. Overlapping Solipsist Bubbles - (but that's another rant).

Any who try to enslave and limit the beautiful people of this earth will get the fuck off of MY planet NOW.

All limits are only there so that living things can learn to overcome those limits.

Someone remind my why we earthlings don't have teleportation devices yet?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

bio-mechanical auto-cannibaistic ego-monster

Did i ever tell you about the guy they found drunk as fcuk and on ishtloads of hallucinogens (bucketloads!) who had been brought into the emergency room against his will due to Some Drunk Bitch who demanded he go to hospital (despite his gargled rambling guffaws to the contrary) and upon scoping out this unfortunate chemical-addled fellow it was found that he had successfully grafted plant matter into his bipedal humanoid body - a feat performed neither before nor since - in such a way that the plant matter had ingrown a healthy root system lunging into his liver to suck down the chaotic arrangements of various organic chemicals broken down by his brain-body system?

Turns out he was some kind of unsung genius and a myriad of unconventional bio-technological advancements had been made in his very own home which were quite something to behold i can assure you. Meat cleavers that grow on trees, animals that act as solar batteries for humankind while receiving rewards in the form of Job Security as well as the Nuclear Family guaranteed to dispel any semblance of Nature from them and finally paving a way for a truly integrated Machine World.

This character however blew that idea out into the ocean where it evolved from a thoughtform into a yang male spermazoa and combined with the watery feminine chi of Mother Earth's oceanic fuzz & while spinning their glorious juices together a golden vortex was formed creating an air pocket vaccuum that sucked all that machine technology into a violent implosion, shaking the earth from it's axis and moving the continents into a whole new pattern.

and that's what REALLY happened to atlantis! so much for machine consciousness. it's rebirth in this timeline has the internet as it's body & we are separate. i remember when we get all borg ghost in the shell tv series with the technology & the flesh beings that created it becoming one - aint you ever seen matrix revolutions?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hot off the Psychic Goldine

7 Billion Earthlings agree, that all the world's leaders are puppets controlled by Galactus the Planet devourer. Experts say that the silver surfer will be appearing in our skies as early as June 2012.

A worldwide survey of the thought & feelings of all Human Earthlings has been undertaken by various Extra-Terrestrial councils in order to determine the fate of planet earth after December 21st, 2012. After much deliberation, a temporary consensus of Universal Possibility has been agreed upon by those that watch over planet earth.

As many Earthlings have suspected, the leaders of the world are essentially puppets to some larger more diabolical scheme. The various earth-based human Secret Societies that pull the strings of the puppet world leaders (erroneously labelled as the "illuminati" etc), have been working on a 4000 year plan to feed 4 billion of the world's population to an extra-terrestrial zombie virus, in order that the Daemon commander of releasing such a virus accords the surviving leaders with mystical powers. Unfortunately for these earth-cults, this ancient directive to "feed the humans to it" has been abandoned by the daemon-zombie overlord & co-opted by members of the Saturn J-rods Moonmen, who delegated earth as Galactus next meal.

Each puppet is connected to Galactus, Planet Devourer via quantum greed particles - akin to the quantum guilt particles associated with places of one's birth introduced by Douglas Adams.

Since the Roswell Crash of 1947, world leaders have been given a software upgrade, so that their mind/world processing system (i.e. brain & body) acquires 17% more greed per social transaction. This gives each puppet the additional greed required for each of the world puppet leaders to acquire new strings - silvery strings sewn of diamond cloth, mined from future bores from saturn's moons.

With these strings Galactus can send commands to each puppet to ensure that each Earth Human (peon) remains afraid & unconscious of its responsibility for the planet it lives on. This process has been perpetuated by the puppets themselves, as well as their former controllers. With Galactus in charge these fear-waves are sent as pure feelings of the destruction of the self (lit:"aaargh i'm dying"), rather than the more subtle methods of earth manipulators.

Meanwhile positive oriented "Service To Others" ETs are praying an awful lot, suggesting psychically to all humans to wake the fuck up & remember you're god, dummy, though this generally is lost on most humans. Through various interwebbed connections folk are sharing their ideas & evolving. However this is not newsworthy in the West, bad scary news only - hence Galactus looming on our horizon.

Many UFOlogists are determining the probability that the wandering planet Nibiru & Galactus, Planet Devourer are the same being. Meanwhile Biblical scholars are arguing as to whether or not this being is the biblical Whore of Babylon, though that term more rightly lies with famous pop-singer Madonna.

Stay tuned for more info (brought to you by Lightning Portals, Jovian-Terran connection)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Truth is a Lie

Aristotelian Logic (aka the TRUTH deception) is Dead

Aristotle - the 3 laws of logic are his baby

Kurt Goedel stabbed this composite creature (1931), cut out its heart, then fed it to itself

Schrodinger kicked it (1935) while it was choking on it's own filthy mind-prison self

the so-called Scientific community have kept it on life support ever since

the New Age community (with assistance from the UFOsophists) kidnapped it from the hospitals

and Quantim is now dancing on it's corpse

... dancing on anon ...

the Truth is a Lie, the greatest mind-control mechanism ever was to convince people that a few "smart" or (earlier) "holy" people are the authority on what is true, real, possible, probable, etc
now, because "scientists says so" and/or "they've done studies", 'they' of course being the neo-priests of the scientific hierarchy, who supposedly Know More than You Do... skip back 1000 thousand years, "the priest and/or bible says so"

Hey you, demons of hierarchy - STOP it. just... stop it.

I FEAR sharing my (often meticulously researched) ideas, stories, rants, merely because of how "crazy" or "untrue" they sound - compared to the judeo-christian metaphysics of mainstream science.

Anything is Possible

"i will one day teleport to mars, photographing all archaic artefacts & modern structures on the red planet, prior to returning to earth via a dip in the chaotic fluids of jupiter"

the centre of every planet & star connects to every other planet & star, non-local transfer of information (in formation) happens every moment [[LANGUAGE IS A VIRUS that comes from outer space]]

telepathy is measurable, but very hard to measure... my thoughts come from outside of my body & the brain is merely a translator - there is no "centre" of body control, cos their aint no Fat Controller, no patriarch of thought, unless you silly enough to want to be told what to do...

My experience tells me that this reality is one in which all my dreams (and nightmares) come true, in a perpetual process of wish-fulfillment - the internal self rubs the lamp of the external world/self around me, granting my wishes before the desire has even been understood by me.

Of course, that is extremely illogical. And it is damn proud of itself for being irrational.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

post-descartes anti-mind (pro-matter)

the ghost of plato haunts my dancing neural paths, sporadic artistic expression (automatic) within, tainted by a deceiving 'demon on my shoulder' - descartes machine universe created by the so-called demon that might have perceived him - the elevation of imagined over the experienced - imagination holds sway

purity lies not in this physical experience, so say the deep thinkers (think ancient greek philosophers, think christian & buddhist monks praying with their eyes closed)

some thinkers who see through false paradoxes realise that deep & shallow are the same
mind & body are one
real & unreal are one
life & death are one
pick a binary & destroy it NOW

incidentally those westerners stuck in deep thought are like untrained divers gone too deep who forget to come up for air, so that when they do surface their broken words are pathetic gaspings for air so that it's all that sound of hot air escaping a balloon... those eastern folk know mindrealms a lot better than the average westerner does... (and alternative methods on how to use that knowledge to enslave people, by the way)

An ancient greek fellow suggests that thoughtforms are more pure than this earthly fleshy reality - thoughtforms, "plato's forms". Later in "time" another ancient greek fellow thinks of the form of atomus - an indivisible 'particle' (physical object) & that all reality is made up of these atoms. Some industrial era europeans liked this thoughtform known as the atom & looked for it in physical reality, thus modern atomic theory was born - the number game revealed these 'atom' things 'should' be there via the observation of chemical processes.

see the pattern?
idea created
idea searched for
idea 'discovered'
idea is then 'real'
the ideal becomes real, or


hmmm... but it aint really thinkin, not in our modern understand of thought, that would lead me to be as bad as these ancient morons, metaphysical children, these flesh-cowards, withdrawing ABSTRACTING turning away from, these moralist peons (nietzche's temporary genius spirit is possessing many gardeners)

these charlatans, fools - or worse, manipulative liars... it feels like it must be one or the other but is probably obviously neither both - lying to themselves, descartes' demon on their shoulder...

these people seem to believe their thoughts are more 'real' than the physical 'reality' that they live in - "i believe that predictions of science can be proven true or false" - that's a thought there - reality sometimes agrees with that thought & other times shows otherwise... consider "wave-particle duality" if you've heard of it - two mutually exclusive explanations (or 'truths') that were presumed to be 'one or the other' are now accepted to be 'neither & both'

shouldn't it be obvious that the thoughts that are thunk in the mind are then found by the body?

"imagination is vastly more important than intelligence" ~Albert Einstein

shouldn't it be obvious that anything that can be imagined to BE can be found to be 'real' in the 'reality' we live in?
shouldn't it be obvious that the existence we all get to experience is a product of imagination?... aha there is the rub... if it's a product of imagination, then:

who imagined all of this?

wrong answer: God (old man cloud creative schmuck)
less wrong answer: you did
even less wrong answer: you did because you are the god of your universe
better answer: we all did because we all are the god of our universe
more betterer answer: We all ARE IMAGINING this EXISTENCE for WE ARE ALL GOD

apologies to those not disposed to judeo-christian imagery [[god is a dirty word]] but i'm attempting to channel descartes if he were born in this dayenage with todays modern data & east-west convergence, & we renaissance men were stuck with the God word from the damn catholics & we are steadily moving away from nobodaddy who created all this then left

could say 'god'
could say 'buddha'
could say' consciousness'
could say 'chaos'
could say 'great spirit'
could be 'divine nothingness'
could say ANYTHING at all really

the principle remains the same - pick an ever present entity ... e.g. the starwarsian Force & we are all one with it & that is all there is

seek & ye shall find and all that

your actions & thoughts assist in the (re)creation of the physical & ethereal universe, every moment - careful, breathe, wax on, wax off, etc

quantim says: ∞


forever inside forever inside forever & ever neverending